
  • 《博弈圣经》的英文简介是什么已关闭评论
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Bible of Game Theory is an advanced economics book that sparkles with the wisdom of philosophy. Rather than the recondite and intricate pileup of formula in ordinary game theories, it uses the flowing language of prose to provide the guidelines for the game life for the elites.
Bible of Game Theory establishes the theory of Guozheng (Theory of State and Square), Guozheng Win-win Theory and Theory of Particle Behavior and gives new connotations to the terms of science, culture, civilization, knowledge, rules, truth, strategy, tactics, philosophy, economics, emotions, love, valid reason, communication, concepts, progress, morality, and game from the perspectives of philosophy and game.
It discloses the wisdom of game, studies and narrates the nature of game, and enlightens people to gain an advantageous position and win, through nature definition for both parties and transplantation of probability, in the stock market, Baccarat, and in the competition between people, between enterprises, and between countries. Its innovative contributions to the disciplines of politics, economy, military, social sciences and finance will bring profound effect for the future development of human society.
The content of the book is highly original and innovative. It has been collected by Cambridge, Yale, Princeton University, the University of Chicago, University of Michigan, University of Victoria, and National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, National Taiwan University, National Tsing Hua University, the University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Central Library in Macao, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, and Renmin University of China.
National Diet Library (Japan) speaks highly of the book, saying that it is extremely precious and of collection value; Cambridge also refers to the book as the strategic thinking in game theories; Tsinghua University calls the book as the theory of countermeasures. It is also serialized in the state media of people net and Xinhua net.
Material luxury is but transient, and only the intellectual luxury is lasting! While bringing you an extraordinary, fresh, elegant, and brand-new experience, Bible of Game Theory also provides a brand-new value theory for you to improve the value of your intelligence and your career development.